Terms and Conditions

The Visit Albury Wodonga Tourism Partner Program is facilitated and managed by Visit Albury Wodonga under the Tourism Partnership Agreement between Albury City Council and Wodonga Council, in accordance with these terms and conditions.

1. Eligibility:

1.1. The Visit Albury Wodonga Tourism Partner Program (Program) is open to tourism operators who meet the following criteria:

a) Have a business operating within the Albury Wodonga region, as defined by a 25km radius from the Albury Visitor Information Centre.

b) Demonstrate a commitment to delivering high-quality tourism experiences.

c) Comply with all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to their business operations.

1.2. Tourism operators outside of the Albury Wodonga region who meet the other eligibility criteria, can participate in the Program with an Out-of-region partnership.

1.3. Visit Albury Wodonga reserves the right to evaluate and approve partnership applications at its discretion.

1.4. Participation in the Program is not confirmed until the application has been approved and full payment, or the first instalment, has been received.

2. Program duration:

2.1. The 2024-2025 Program duration is from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

2.2. Either party may terminate the partnership prematurely by providing written notice to the other party.

3. Pricing:

3.1. The 2024-2025 Program pricing structure is per annum and may be subject to change in future years.

3.2. Participants with two (2) businesses in the Albury Wodonga region can opt to pay for one Premium partnership and one Essential partnership to receive the benefits of a Premium partnership for both businesses. Excluding council-owned businesses.

3.3. Applications to participate in the Program received between 1 January 2025 and 30 June 2025 will be charged at 50% of the annual fee.

3.4. Program fees are a deduction for tax purposes. Visit Albury Wodonga is registered for GST and has an obligation to collect GST on all fees. All fees listed are inclusive of GST.

3.5. Program fees are non-refundable for the duration of the Program.

4. Partnership benefits:

4.1. Specific partnership benefits may vary depending on the chosen partnership option and are detailed in the Visit Albury Wodonga Tourism Partner Program prospectus.

4.2. The Program benefits may be subject to change without notice.

5. Partnership obligations:

5.1. As a participant in the Program, you agree to:

a) Uphold the reputation of the Albury Wodonga region and provide exceptional tourism experiences.

b) Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

c) Collaborate with Visit Albury Wodonga on marketing initiatives and promotional activities.

d) Provide accurate and up-to-date information about your business for promotional materials.

e) Ensure all images and videos provided to Visit Albury Wodonga meet all relevant copyright laws.

f) Ensure that all information and material provided or published does not contain any defamatory, slanderous, misleading or deceptive material.

g) Indemnify and hold harmless Albury City Council, Wodonga Council and the Program from and against all losses, liabilities, proceedings, claims, expenses and other costs arising directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection with the promotion of the product or facilities of the participant.

h) Visit Albury Wodonga providing information to third parties including, but not limited to, Murray Regional Tourism Board, Destination Riverina Murray, Visit Victoria, Business Events Victoria and Destination NSW.

5.2. Visit Albury Wodonga reserves the right to review the partnership status of any partner who fails to meet the partnership obligations.

6. Visit Albury Wodonga:

6.1. Visit Albury Wodonga reserves the right to edit content and images supplied to meet marketing and promotional needs.

6.2. Visit Albury Wodonga does not guarantee the performance, service levels or accessibility of the online platforms (websites, etc.) and print publications.

7. Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW):

7.1. The Visit Albury Wodonga website, visitalburywodonga.com, is a distributor of ATDW. Having a listing on the website requires an active ATDW listing.

7.2. By not having an active ATDW listing, the participant forgoes their right to a listing on visitalburywodonga.com.

7.3. Any fees associated with creating and maintaining an ATDW listing are additional to the Program and are payable by the participant to the relevant State Tourism Organisation not to Visit Albury Wodonga.

By joining the Visit Albury Wodonga Tourism Partner Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

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